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We would like to express our gratitude to :

Carlos Duque,  Angels Dragó, Oscar Campillo, Marta Hilari, Bruno Hennen, Marie Christine D’Anna, René Leclercq, Gaby Scheen, Chantal Coenen, William Leclercq, Coraline Leclercq and François Masset for their help during the film production.

Olivier Panier and Alexandre Ghijselings -Afekt Production-  for their advice.

Josep A. Fito Canet, Véronique Wolfs, Marielle de Beer, Liliane Wangen, Nino Grillo, Nicole Castermans, Rotary Club VISE, Gespro-Team, André Lotin et Elyane Leclercq, Maryse et Charles Piazza Joiret, Vivian Sart, Sandrine Leclercq, Raphaël Mouton et Morgan Dejardin, Gwenaelle Lelu et Matthieu François, Karine Gadiou, Annick Dumont et Eric Dedye, Léon Geron, Victor Galan et Ana Menezes, Françoise Penin, Claudia Fernandez, Roger Jourdan, Odile Merat, Joseph et Yolande Fafchamps, Jean-Marie Bellefroid, Vicky Whenham, Oscar Parés Franquero, Catherine Gail Shandro Hawrelak, René Akeret, David Leclercq, Luc Delville, Cédric Lotin et Andrée Dighaye, Laurent Meunier et Laurence Leclercq, Dominique Coenen et Michaël Gragert, Cinzia Brentari, Alain Carapelle, Maryse Degraen, Thierry Charlois, Arpie Tcheboukdjian, Eléonore Vanopdenbosch, Adrienne Moulart, Célestin Moulart, Anne-Marie Mardaga and Charles Leclercq, Oscar Torre for their material and financial support.

Apropem-nos and Adrienne D’Anna for their help with the casting process.

ABD / Energy Control for the support with the logistics.

All the extras that joined us for the concerts and the wedding.

La Fundició, La Legia, St Pere centre, City Living

Barcelona – Catalunya Film Commission